Taco Bell
Insight: For a lot of people, eating in your car can feel shameful and embarrassing.
Idea: What if we created an exclusive club for people to eat in their car so instead of feeling shameful, they felt a sense of pride and community.
So now while you’re scarfin’ down a couple tacos in your car you’re Alone, But Not Lonely.
What is it? - Taco Bell is creating an exclusive car club filled with merchandise and products to help alleviate some of that shame.
Awareness - parking tickets will direct people to download the TB app where they can join the club.
Welcome Message - new members of the club will be sent an exclusive welcome message through the app.
Merch - members will receive an exclusive kit of merchandise and products for eating in their car.
Perks - All members get access to exclusive parking spots and drive-thru lanes.
Carwash Partnership - members receive a free monthly car wash at Take 5 Car Wash.
Influencer Partnership - influencers known for eating-in-the-car content like Queen Beast, Malia Elaine and Luke Foods.
*I wrote some fun tweets to remind people that eating in your car is cool.
Team (alphabetical):
Cat Clark (AD)
Bella Piasentin (Strategist)